Beautiful Redemption Review by Kayla Knight
Beautiful Redemption is the fourth book in Kami Garcia's Beautiful Creatures series. Throughout these books we discover many things based on the characters of Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes. In this fourth and final book, Kami Garcia and Margaret Sohl take Ethan and Lena's relationship to a whole new level. In the previous books, Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes face many conflicts involving their relationship. Lena and her family are witches, or what Garcia's calls them, Casters. Lena's powers get out of hand and their whole family suffers the consequences, including Ethan. Ethan ends up dead, and in this final book Ethan is trapped in a realm for the dead that have unfinished business and cannot move on. He also finds that his mother is stuck their with him too. Ethan does everything in his power to try to send a message to his love, Lena. Even if he just moves a book or a something small. Lena notices this and now knows he is still alive somewhere, but she does not know how to help. He continues trying to send her little messages but it becomes beyond difficult. Throughout this journey his mother stays beside him trying to help him move on to the next world, but Ethan doesn't want to. He wants to go back to the real world, to Lena. Later on, Ethan finds out that he was not meant to die. An Evil caster named Abraham Ravenwood, wrote down his death and changed his fate in the "Book of Casters." Ethan discovers if he can tear out the page that has his new written fate on it, he can change his fate to what it was supposed to be. Only problem is that Abraham has this book and Ethan has to find a way to get it from the real world. Will Lena and Ethan be able to communicate and team up to bring Ethan back to the real world?
Beautiful Redemption to me, was a thrilling and suspenseful ride. It was an interesting twist on the story of Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes. Throughout the whole series the audience can sense the same theme, but in this book we see a huge twist. Its still the tragic love story between the two star crossed lovers, but in a different view this time. I really enjoyed this book and i would definitely recommend the whole series to others. If you are interested in magic and want a suspenseful story, read this!!!