Tuesday, May 27, 2014

 The Big Bad Wolf

James Patterson

 The Wolf, is a highly developed criminal that is the leader of organized crime, That is the headmaster of a huge scheme where beautiful women are being taken from all over the country and thrown into a slave trade. Alex, is a police officer that does not like the FBI, he believes that the FBI gets in the way do to their cautious nature so he ventures out on his own to find the man known as the wolf. Along with is mob boss, Alex is dealing with personal problems, due to his x wife coming back to town and trying to get custody of the baby, throwing Alex into a spiral between his home life and work.(This Book is part of a series to really understand Alex you would need to read the other books)
                 I really enjoyed this book because it showed the personal struggle that Alex was going through and it had a sense of danger and always kept me guessing on what will happen next, It has a realistic approach to scary situations and showed a lot about how people react in these situations and how much it effects those involved and those who are trying to help

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers (Review by Grant Seely)

By Dave Eggers 
Review by Grant Seely
           Zeitoun is the true story of one family's journey, from the escape of Hurricane Katrina to the persecution and discrimination of the New Orleans married couple named Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun and their children.  Zeitoun and his family feel very blessed by the life they have been given and work hard to provide for their family and give back to the community. During this time Hurricane Katrina begins its journey towards New Orleans and things change very quickly. Kathy decides it would be for the best for her and the children to drive to Baton Rouge clear from the storm, but Zeitoun refuses and  chooses to stay in the city to watch over their properties and homes. After surviving through the storm Zeitoun finds and canoe and paddles through the city which is close to completely submerged in which he assists neighbors and anyone else he comes across.  A couple days after the natural disaster, Zeitouns adventure takes a sudden change as he comes across one of  his Syrian friends, Nasser, and and a man named Todd, along with an unexpected stranger, Ronnie.  Soon after this group of people are taken by a group of heavily armed men and are taken to a makeshift jail in a nearby. They are searched and held for numerous reasons without what seems like no reason, being brutally mistreated the entire time. Throughout this story  Zeitouns faith in god and his country are tested. I found this book to be very touching and it brought me into the book with Zeitoun and his adventures. It also exposed all of the horrors that occurred post Hurricane Katrina.  Overall I would easily recommend this book to anyone who wanted and in depth thrilling true tale that will keep you reading from cover to cover. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Beautiful Redemption--Kami Garcia & Margaret Sohl--Review by Kayla Knight

                               Beautiful Redemption Review by Kayla Knight


           Beautiful Redemption is the fourth book in Kami Garcia's Beautiful Creatures series. Throughout these books we discover many things based on the characters of Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes. In this fourth and final book, Kami Garcia and Margaret Sohl take Ethan and Lena's relationship to a whole new level. In the previous books, Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes face many conflicts involving their relationship. Lena and her family are witches, or what Garcia's calls them, Casters. Lena's powers get out of hand and their whole family suffers the consequences, including Ethan. Ethan ends up dead, and in this final book Ethan is trapped in a realm for the dead that have unfinished business and cannot move on. He also finds that his mother is stuck their with him too. Ethan does everything in his power to try to send a message to his love, Lena. Even if he just moves a book or a something small. Lena notices this and now knows he is still alive somewhere, but she does not know how to help. He continues trying to send her little messages but it becomes beyond difficult. Throughout this journey his mother stays beside him trying to help him move on to the next world, but Ethan doesn't want to. He wants to go back to the real world, to Lena. Later on, Ethan finds out that he was not meant to die. An Evil caster named Abraham Ravenwood, wrote down his death and changed his fate in the "Book of Casters." Ethan discovers if he can tear out the page that has his new written fate on it, he can change his fate to what it was supposed to be. Only problem is that Abraham has this book and Ethan has to find a way to get it from the real world. Will Lena and Ethan be able to communicate and team up to bring Ethan back to the real world?
     Beautiful Redemption to me, was a thrilling and suspenseful ride. It was an interesting twist on the story of Ethan Wate and Lena Duchannes. Throughout the whole series the audience can sense the same theme, but in this book we see a huge twist. Its still the tragic love story between the two star crossed lovers, but in a different view this time. I really enjoyed this book and i would definitely recommend the whole series to others. If you are interested in magic and want a suspenseful story, read this!!!

The Fault In Our Stars by John Greene reviewed by Ty Henderson

The Fault in Our Stars 
I recently read The Fault In Our Stars by John Greene and my expectations were well exceeded. This story sends you on a roller coaster of emotions. It takes your typical fairy tale we all once dreamed of as little girls and puts a whole new spin on it, Cinderella meets reality. Hazel is a typically awkward teen with your everyday teen struggles, except for one thing, she has cancer. This in itself starts you off with a weird vibe, you don't want to get too attached to the character in fear that something will happen to her, but you cant help yourself. Over the course of the book your empathy for hazel only grows as you experience with her the hardships of her situation. As I'm sure you would've guessed Hazel then falls for another cancer victim in remission, Augustus, a feisty, clever and very confident kid whose everyone sort of idolizes, including the readers. together him and Hazel see the reality in life for the first time in their young lives. I highly recommend his book, its a pretty rad ride. 
a boy and his dog is the book that started the apocalyptic genre. the books take place in an alternative timeline where president John F. Kennedy is not assassinated and he focuses less on the space race and more on robotics, animal intelligence and telepathy, this leads to a far more hot cold war which turns into ww3 and thus reduces the world to a irradiated, sparsly populated rock. the setting is of the united states, most survivors are men, as most women were in the cities and the men were off fighting world war 3, these survivors fight for resources, such as food, water and women.

the tale follows vic, a parentless, ethicless, morally corrupt 17 yr old whose whole world is food and sex, and his well read, telapathic dog named blood. vic and bloods relationship is based almost entirely on the fact each helps the other, vic can get blood food, and blood can get vic women. through this vic and blood meet a girl named quilla june holmes from a place called "downunder" a great big vault. after saving quilla from raiders, mutants and the general insanity of the wastelands of america, they have repeated sex and after so, the girl runs off to "downunder" , with vic in hot pursuit of her with dreams of sex and women.n eventually he find down under and leaves blood at the entrence of the vault, after several days vic and quilla return to find blood in poor shape, while not blatently said its common belief among readers that vic murders and eat quilla and remembering a question she asked blood asks " do you know what love is" vic, taken back by this statement replies " love is a boy and his dog"

so this book holds a place in my heart cause it spawned a love for the post apocalyptic worlds in games and other books, and for te fact that no matter how people describe the end of the world survivors, this book seems the most realistic of any ever made, cause after all, our base desires are to eat and  have sex. the books won awards and was eventually made into a great movie, and as such it has a place in my heart and probably many others, i think anyone who enjoys a good story of survival and the world after nukes should pick up this book.
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein is about a boy and his dog more than anything. A young racecar driver Denny and his dog Enzo go through everything together from the death of Denny's wife to car crashes. The story is told from the dogs point of view and gives interesting insight into the mind of a dog. This story is very emotional and has a lot of twists and turns. It is sad and happy all at the same time and I recommend it to anyone who likes dogs, cars and fun.
       By Jett Bottarini and the lovely people of Bum Crew, thank you for your consideration

Flush by Carl Hiaasen-Dustin Pearson


Flush by Carl Hiaasen~

Noah Underwood has a problem. His father is in jail, and he's not sure if he should believe dad's story or not. Paine Underwood is not your typical criminal. He's just a former Florida fisherman who gets steamed when he sees anyone doing something wrong to the environment. Even Noah admits, "Dad just has to work on his self control."
Dusty Muleman, owner of the casino ship the Coral Queen, is not being very good to the environment. Noah's father has been arrested for sinking the ship after he speculates that the cheapskate owner is dumping the sewage tank directly into the ocean rather than paying for the removal of it.
Mr. Underwood enlists his son Noah to help prove that he was right about the Coral Queen. Unsure of his father's claim himself, Noah decides that family loyalty wins over his doubts and a quirky mystery ensues. The cast of characters includes Noah's strong-headed sister Abbey, as well as their mother, who doesn't find the whole arrest very funny. When the kids hear her mention the "D word --- divorce" on the phone, they know they have to kick their plan into overdrive. Noah and Abbey also receive help from some unlikely sources including "Lice" Peeking, a former worker on the Coral Queen; Lice's girlfriend Shelly, who was once married to the crook owner of the ship; and a mysterious old man dressed up like a pirate.
This book is an easy and exciting read, especially easy if you have to write a review for it or something like that. Reading it is fun if you're into adventure and suspense!